CXVII Reunión de Gobernadores de Bancos Centrales Miembros del CEMLA
CXVI Reunión de Gobernadores de Bancos Centrales Miembros del CEMLA
Seminar on the World Bank and the International Finance Corporation
September, 1959, Washington D.C., U.S.A.

CEMLA since 1952 is the Association of Central Banks of Latin America and the Caribbean.

Our main objectives are: To promote a better understanding of monetary and banking matters; help with improving the training of central bank staff; conduct research and systematize the results, and provide information to members about events of international and regional interest in the areas of monetary and financial policies.

Calendar of
Activities 2025

Calendar for 2025 Training and formation activities on economic and central banking topics

Publications Selection of publications that analyze the main financial and monetary topics of the central bank of the region.

Central Bank AwardAnnual award for the preparation of studies that are of interest to the central bank.

Central Banks The external structure includes 48 members, 29 of which are associated.


Mexican immigrant workers in the U.S. sent 16.7 percent of their labor income to family members in Mexico in 2024.

Jesús A. Cervantes González & Juan Antonio Ortega*, Nota de Remesas 03/2025

Mexican immigrant workers in the United States sent 16.7 percent of their labor income to family members in Mexico in 2024. That income was equivalent to 3.38 percentage points of Mexico's GDP. From the states of New York and New Jersey, Mexican migrants sent 27 percent of their wage bill as remittances to their relatives in our country.


Call for Papers: 2025 Latin American Journal of Central Banking (LAJCB) Conference

The Center for Latin American Monetary Studies (CEMLA) is pleased to announce the Call for Papers for the 2025 LAJCB Conference is now open; the Conference will be held on May 22-23, 2025, in Mexico City (face-to-face). The Conference will feature Professor Manuel S. Santos (Miami Herbert Business School) as Keynote Speaker. CEMLA invites paper contributions within the broad range of topics of interest to central banks, including (but not limited to) monetary theory and policy, financial intermediation (both theory and empirics), climate-related aspects of financial stability and monetary policy, digitalization and financial markets, and payments and other financial market infrastructures. Paper submissions are welcome until March 28, 2025, through the email address:


In 2024, the wage bill in the United States of Mexican immigrant workers exceeded $373 billion.

Jesús A. Cervantes González & Juan Antonio Ortega*, Nota de Remesas 02/2025

The note analyzes the evolution during 2024 of the wage bill in the United States of Mexican immigrant workers, distinguishing between that obtained by men and women and by workers with and without citizenship. It also quantifies the wage bill according to the sector of activity in which they work and for 12 U.S. states, which account for 80% of employment and the corresponding wage bill.


In California, one out of every two agricultural workers and one out of every three construction workers are Mexican immigrants.

Jesús A. Cervantes González & Juan Antonio Ortega*, Nota de Remesas 01/2025

The article analyzes the employment figures of Mexican immigrant workers in the United States, distinguishing by sex and sector of activity. It also reviews in detail the employment figures of these workers in twelve U.S. states, which account for 80 percent of the total employment of Mexican workers in the United States.


Call for Papers: 2025 CEMLA Central Bank Award

The Center for Latin American Monetary Studies (CEMLA) is pleased to announce that the Call for Papers for the 2025 CEMLA Central Bank Award is now open. Paper submissions are welcome until April 25, 2025, to the email address: In this edition, CEMLA will award the first place a total of 15,000 U.S. dollars, the second place, 5,000 U.S. dollars, and the third place, 2,500 U.S. dollars. This edition also contemplates granting an Honorary Mention to a maximum of 8 papers (1,000 U.S. dollars each). For more information, please visit



2024 Activities

Meeting of Experts on Document and Archive Management in Central Banks

Baltasar Cordeiro, Head of the Logistics and Documentation Division, Banco de Portugal, María de Inclán, Head of the Archives and Document Management Division, Banco de España and Roberto Marino, Advisor to the General Directorate of CEMLA welcomed the Meeting of Experts on Document and Archive Management in Central Banks.


Workshop on Climate Stress Testing for Central Banks

CEMLA, the United Nations Environment Programme Finance Initiative (UNEP FI), and Euroclima+ organized the Workshop on Climate Stress Testing for Central Banks. The event took place at CEMLA’s premises in Mexico City, Mexico, from November 29 to December 3, 2024.

The workshop was delivered by world-renowned scholars Prof. Irene Monasterolo (Utrecht University) and Prof. Stefano Battiston (University of Zurich and University of Venice). Its program, available here, aimed to enhance central banks’ methodological capacities for assessing climate-related financial risks, enabling attendees to develop use cases for climate stress testing applications that central banks can incorporate as analytical tools for financial stability monitoring.


Launch of the RemitSCOPE platform

The Remittances and Development Program (PRYD), which is implemented by CEMLA, financed by the International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD), a specialized agency of the United Nations and it involved the support of Central Banks, considers that having organized and structured information about remittances and migration is the first step for effective policy analysis and the search for possible measures that could improve the contribution of remittances to the economic development of recipient households and countries in LAC.

In this sense and as part of the objectives of the PRYD, a data analysis and digital consultation platform has been developed, called RemitSCOPE, this time for Latin America and the Caribbean, which includes available information on different aspects related to remittances, migration and their relationship with financial inclusion and development.

In RemitSCOPE LAC you can explore, visualize and interact with the indicators that make it up according to the country, region and period of interest; It can be accessed through the website


CEMLA organized the course on Macroeconomics and Numerical Methods

Gustavo Leyva (CEMLA) taught the course, which offered an introductory look at modern intertemporal macroeconomics, with special emphasis on developing numerical methods to solve representative and heterogeneous agent economies. The course dealt with iteration methods on the value function, the Euler equation, and parametric approximation methods for the decision rules. In addition, discretization algorithms for autoregressive processes were discussed to implement the solution of these economies on the computer. The course was taught virtually between November 27 and December 3, 2024.


III CEMLA/Dallas Fed/IBEFA Workshop on Financial Stability

CEMLA, the Federal Reserve Bank at Dallas (Dallas Fed), and the International Banking, Economics, and Finance Association (IBEFA) organized the III CEMLA/Dallas Fed/IBEFA Workshop on Financial Stability at CEMLA’s premises in Mexico City, Mexico, on November 25-26, 2024. The event focused on frontier research in financial intermediation.

The agenda, available here, included a keynote address by Professor Viral V. Acharya titled “Systemic Risk Measures: Taking Stock from 1927 to 2023” and featured sessions on financial digitalization and banking supervision, macroprudential policy and real estate markets, climate-related financial risks, moral hazard and FX risk in banking, and financing green growth and quantitative easing dynamics. Additionally, a special session, sponsored by the Latin American Journal of Central Banking, was dedicated to discussing outstanding research relevant to the region.


CEMLA hosts the XIX Meeting of Heads of Monetary Policy

The XIX Meeting of Heads of Monetary Policy took place on November 21 and 22, 2024 in Mexico City. The Meeting featured Óscar Arce (European Central Bank) and Trevor Reeve (Federal Reserve Board) as Invited Speakers. Óscar Arce's talk revolved around the Euro Area Economic Outlook and Monetary Policy, while Trevor Reeve presented the Monetary Policy in the U.S. The Meeting included presentations by Manuel Ramos-Francia (CEMLA) on “Recent Developments in Inflation and Monetary Policy in LA” and “Clogged Capital Flows Pipes? The Role of Pipes in Liquidity and Funding Stress”.

The Meeting also featured presentations from André Amante (Banco Central do Brasil), Guillermo Carlomagno (Banco Central de Chile), Alejandrina Salcedo (Banco de México), Juan José Ospina (Banco de la República - Colombia), Adrián Armas (Banco Central de Reserva del Perú), and Mauro Alessandro (Banco Central de la República Argentina) on their experiences in conducting monetary policy. Finally, a Round Table was held among heads of monetary policy, in which Leonardo Vicente (Banco Central del Uruguay) and Gabriel Cuadra (Banco de México) joined.


Seminar on Remittances and Migration 2024

The seminar was held jointly between CEMLA and Banco de España (BE) and took place from November 20 to 22, 2024 at the BE facilities in the city of Madrid. The main objective of the seminar was to promote the exchange of ideas and experiences between participating countries on different aspects of remittances, migration and financial inclusion, particularly among remittance-receiving economies. At the seminar, 24 exhibitions were presented that were grouped into 11 thematic blocks.


CEMLA Course: Financial Mathematics

CEMLA organized the CEMLA Course: Financial Mathematics, which was held virtually from November 11 to 15, 2024. The course featured the participation of 106 representatives from 25 member institutions, associates, and collaborators of CEMLA, spanning 22 countries. During the event, key stochastic and numerical models used in derivatives and bond markets were presented.


CEMLA hosts the 2024 CEMLA Conference - XXIX Meeting of the Central Bank Researchers Network

The 2024 CEMLA Conference - XXIX Meeting of the Central Bank Researchers Network took place on November 7 and 8, 2024 at CEMLA's headquarters in Mexico City. The Conference featured Professors David Andolfatto (Miami Herbert Business School) and Pablo Kurlat (University of Southern California) as Keynote Speakers, and 36 papers at the cutting edge of research on central banking issues.

The 36 research papers –corresponding to 89 authors affiliated with central banks, multilateral organizations and universities– were distributed in 12 sessions, divided into 4 parallel sessions. The sessions covered the following subjects: central bank policies, payments and CBDCs, macroeconometrics, monetary policy, financial risk, empirical macroeconomics, macroeconomic theory, climate risks, and applied macro-finance.


V Meeting of Heads of Financial Market Infrastructures

The CEMLA and the Banco de España jointly organized the V Meeting of Heads of Financial Market Infrastructures, held in person on November 4 and 5, 2024. The event was attended by 33 representatives from 13 institutions belonging to CEMLA’s Associate and Collaborating members, representing 12 countries.


New CEMLA Working Paper on Remittances

A new CEMLA Working Paper entitled ”Crisis Relief in Cash: How Remittances Drive Bank Lending in a Global Pandemic” has been published by researchers from CEMLA and the Honduran Comisión Nacional de Bancos y Seguros (CNBS). The study examines the impact of an exogenous shock to remittances on the financial sector in Honduras during the COVID-19 pandemic. The paper finds that remittance inflows have a positive effect on banks’ credit supply to firms highlighting the importance of remittances in stabilizing economic growth during a global crisis.

The article can be downloaded in the following link: Crisis Relief in Cash: How Remittances Drive Bank Lending in a Global Pandemic


Winners of the 2024 CEMLA Central Bank Award

CEMLA’s Board of Governors decided to grant the First Place of the 2024 CEMLA Central Bank Award to the study “Leavers and Stayers after Mass Layoffs: Labor and Credit Market Outcomes” by Bruno Perdigão, Carlos Carvalho, Natália Corado, and Gustavo Gonzaga. In turn, the Board of Governors recognized Néstor Miguel Sarmiento Paipilla with the Second Place Award for his study “The real effects of Too-Big-To-Fail regulation: Evidence from emerging markets.” The Third Place Award was granted to the study “Delinquency rate in the Peruvian agro-export sector in the context of the El Niño Phenomenon: firm-level evidence for the period 2013-2019” by Pedro L. Azañedo, Luis A. Casaverde, Denys Casiano, and José Lupú. Finally, the Board decided to recognize two Honorable Mentions for the following studies: “Credit market sentiment, investor monitoring and firms’ international borrowing” by Jose Maria Serena, and “Beyond Carry-Trading: New Insights into the Uses of Foreign-Denominated Bond Issuances by Latin American Firms” by Nicolás Zeolla, Rodrigo Pérez-Artica, and Joel Rabinovich.


CXVII Meeting of Governors of Central Banks Members of CEMLA

It took place on October 22, 2024 and was held at the headquarters of the International Monetary Fund in Washington, D.C., featuring distinguished speakers. The session was opened with welcoming remarks by José Luis Escrivá Belmonte, Governor of the Banco de España and President of the Board of Governors of CEMLA, together with Manuel Ramos Francia, CEMLA's General Director.


CEMLA Board of Governors Meeting

They met on October 22, 2024 in Washington, D.C., where key issues for the Center's future operation and planning were addressed. The 2025 Program of Activities was approved, which includes new projects and activities of interest to member central banks.


CEMLA Assembly Meeting

Celebrated on October 22, 2024, Members were briefed on various administrative and financial matters, together with other reports of a policy nature and evaluation of the Center's activities.


VI Course on Financial Stability

CEMLA’s Directorate of Financial Stability and Banco de España organized the VI Course on Financial Stability. The course was held in Madrid, Spain, on October 21-25, 2024. The course was designed for mid-level technical officials and researchers from CEMLA member central banks and collaborating institutions and provided an overview of various theoretical models and methodological applications to analyze key financial stability topics. The agenda, available here, included sessions on empirical methods, non-bank financial institutions, monitoring, Growth-at-Risk models, stress testing, and cyber and environmental threats.


Course on Central Bank Digital Currencies (CBDC)

The Directorate of Financial Market Infrastructures of CEMLA, in collaboration with the Institute for Capacity Development (ICD) of the International Monetary Fund, organized a virtual Course on Central Bank Digital Currencies (CBDC) from October 14 to 18, 2024. The course was attended by 32 representatives from 16 CEMLA member institutions and partners, spanning 16 countries.


IMF-CEMLA-ASBA Workshop on Cyber Resilience in Latin America and the Caribbean

The Financial Market Infrastructure Department of CEMLA, in collaboration with the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and the Association of Banking Supervisors of the Americas (ASBA), organized the Cyber Resilience Workshop in Latin America and the Caribbean on October 4, 2024. This virtual event brought together 137 representatives from 37 CEMLA member institutions.


Remittances exceed ten percentage points of GDP in four Mexican states.

Jesús A. Cervantes González & Denisse Jiménez*, Nota de Remesas 13/2024

The note measures remittances as a percentage of GDP and remittances per capita of Mexican states by 2023. It highlights that they represent a moderate percentage in relation to the size of the Mexican economy but reach very high percentages with respect to the GDP of some Mexican states, particularly those with lower levels of product per capita.


One out of every six agricultural workers in the United States is a Mexican immigrant.

Jesús A. Cervantes González & Juan Antonio Ortega*, Nota de Remesas 12/2024

During the first three quarters of 2024, the number of immigrant workers of Mexican origin employed in the United States was 7,528,437 people, which represented 4.7% of the total 161,273,080 employed in that country. It is worth mentioning that in some activities the participation of Mexican immigrant workers is higher, such as in the agricultural sector, in the construction industry, in food, lodging and recreation, and in domestic services.


Mexican immigrant workers in the United States sent 16.9 percent of their annual labor income to family members in Mexico at the end of the third quarter of 2024.

Jesús A. Cervantes González & Juan Antonio Ortega*, Nota de Remesas 11/2024

At the end of September of 2024, the percentage of the annual wage bill obtained in the United States by Mexican immigrant workers that was sent to Mexico as remittances was 16.9%. In that twelve-month period, the wage bill reached 367,446 million dollars and remittances received by Mexico from the United States were 62,247 million dollars.


The U.S. wage bill for immigrant workers of Latin American origin reached $775 billion.

Jesús A. Cervantes González & Juan Antonio Ortega*, Nota de Remesas 10/2024

At the end of the third quarter of 2024, the annual wage bill of immigrant workers from 13 Latin American and Caribbean countries in the United States reached $775 billion, with an average annual growth rate of 7.2% from 2011 to 2024, with rates of 6.8% for men and 7.8% for women.


How much do Latin American immigrant workers earn in the United States?

Jesús A. Cervantes González & Juan Antonio Ortega, Nota de Remesas 9/2024

The note quantifies the average wage earned in the United States by immigrant workers from 13 Latin American and Caribbean countries, distinguishing by gender and immigration status (citizens and non-citizens). In 2023, the average annual remuneration of all workers from these countries was $46,416; that of male workers reached $50,673 and that of women, $39,996. In that year, 40% of the corresponding jobs were held by women.


The U.S. economy generates more than 15 million jobs for immigrant workers of Latin American origin

Jesús A. Cervantes González & Juan Antonio Ortega, Nota de Remesas 8/2024

In the January-August 2024 period, U.S. employment of immigrant workers from 13 Latin American countries reached 15,695,767 people. This employment was composed of 9,426,007 men and 6,269,760 women, 39.9% of the total. From 2011 to 2024, such employment increased by 4,705,765 workers and by 42.8%, an average annual growth of 2.8%.


CEMLA hosts the XIV Meeting of Heads of Financial Stability

CEMLA’s Directorate of Financial Stability organized the XIV Meeting of Heads of Financial Stability. The meeting was held in Mexico City, Mexico on September 10-11, 2024. The meeting presented different topical issues, such as the lessons learned for financial stability from monetary policy tightening cycles, emerging vulnerabilities in the nonbank financial sector, and the financial stability implications of climate-related risks.

The agenda, available here, included two keynote sessions. The first was delivered by Valentina Bruno, Professor of Finance at American University's Kogod School of Business, who presented the keynote address titled “Exchange Rates and Global Financial Conditions.” The second keynote was given by Jose M. Berrospide, Assistant Director in the Division of Financial Stability at the Federal Reserve Board, titled “Emerging Financial-Stability Risks from the Shadow Banking Sector.”


V Course on Machine Learning and Central Banking

The V Course on Machine Learning and Central Banking, organized by CEMLA and the Deutsche Bundesbank, was developed in two phases: a theoretical one in digital format from August 12 to 13, 2024, and a practical one at CEMLA's facilities from September 2 to 4. The course focused on providing participants with Machine Learning (ML) tools to solve practical problems in the central banking arena. The practical phase included dynamics that encouraged the exchange of ideas and collaboration among the attendees. 18 use cases were presented in areas such as natural language processing and risk modeling, and discussion sessions were held where participants shared their experiences with traditional techniques and ML techniques.

During the practical sessions, the groups discussed the problems faced and the proposed solutions, receiving continuous feedback from the instructors. The dynamics included presentations of advances, discussions on common challenges such as data extraction and transformation, and the balance between accuracy and explainability of the models. Participants explored diverse models, including Transformers and clustering techniques such as DBSCAN and K-Means, in an environment of active collaboration and critical analysis.


Mexican immigrant population in the U.S. increases in 2023

Jesús A. Cervantes González & Denisse Jiménez, Nota de Remesas 7/2024

The Mexican immigrant population in the United States peaked in 2007 and, after ups and downs for several years, began to decline for eight years in a row starting in 2014, so that in 2022 it was down by 1,035,987 persons and 9.1%. However, in 2023, the size of this migratory group increased by 239,703 people with increases of 117,430 men and 122,273 women.


Course on International Trade in Goods and Services

The course was held from July 29 to August 2, 2024 at the CEMLA facilities with the cooperation of the Statistics Department of the International Monetary Fund (IMF). The main objective of the course was to provide a deep understanding of the concepts, data sources and compilation techniques of international trade statistics in goods and services, as well as their application to complex methodological problems.

The course consisted of presentations and workshops that allowed learning about issues of international trade in goods and provided a forum for the exchange of experiences from different cases presented by the participants. The challenges in compiling foreign trade data in emerging areas were analyzed and specific topics were highlighted, such as estimating informal cross-border activities and digitalization. The course examined issues and challenges that arise as a result of the evolution of the global economy and discussed their impact on the work of compiling foreign trade data. The exercises developed in the workshops were aimed at integrating the knowledge acquired in the course into its practical application.


2024 CEMLA Joint Research Program

During August 15-16, 2024, CEMLA organized the Workshop on The Macroeconomics of Inflation in the Post-Covid-19 Era as part of the 2024 Joint Research Program. Researchers from the Banco Central de la República Argentina, Banco Central de Honduras, Banco de México, Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas, and Banco Central del Uruguay participated in the CEMLA Workshop, sharing and improving their projects under the supervision of two expert advisors, Daniel Chiquiar (Instituto Tecnológico Autónomo de México, ITAM) and Javier García-Cicco (Universidad de San Andrés).


Annual labor income of mexican immigrant workers in the United States reached 352 billion dollars in the first half of 2024

Jesús A. Cervantes González & Juan Antonio Ortega, Nota de Remesas 6/2024

At the end of the first half of 2024, the percentage of the annual wage bill obtained in the United States by Mexican immigrant workers that was sent to Mexico as remittances was 17.6%. In that twelve-month period, the wage bill reached 352,160 million dollars and remittances received by Mexico from the United States were 62,027 million dollars.


CEMLA hosts the Course on Monetary and Financial Information for Macroeconomic Analysis

CEMLA carried out the Course on Monetary and Financial Information for Macroeconomic Analysis from July 1 to 5, 2024 at its facilities in Mexico City. The main objective of the course was to provide the accounting and analytical elements necessary to analyze the balance sheet and income statement of a central bank, its connection with the formulation and monitoring of monetary policy measures and the macroeconomic impact of such measures. The course was aimed at central bank officials who carry out economic analysis, as well as officials responsible for evaluating the financial statements of central institutes.


Call for Papers: 2024 CEMLA Conference - XXIX Meeting of the Central Bank Researchers Network

The Center for Latin American Monetary Studies (CEMLA) is pleased to announce the 2024 CEMLA Conference - XXIX Meeting of the Central Bank Researchers Network, to be held on November 7-8, 2024, at CEMLA's headquarters in Mexico City. CEMLA invites paper contributions covering topics of interest to central banking, including, but not limited to, monetary theory and policy, financial intermediation (both theory and empirics), climate-related aspects of financial stability and monetary policy, digitalization and financial markets, and payments and market infrastructures. Paper submissions are welcome until August 16, 2024, through the email address:

As with other events organized by CEMLA, this Conference offers a unique opportunity to hear about recent developments in central banking issues from leading academic scholars and policymakers. In this edition, CEMLA is delighted to announce the participation of Professors David Andolfatto (Miami Herbert Business School) and Pablo Kurlat (University of Southern California) as Keynote Speakers.


CEMLA hosts the Course on Suptech and Regtech

The Suptech and Regtech Course was held digitally from June 25-27, 2024. The event brought together experts and participants to explore the latest trends and developments in these crucial areas. Organized with the technical assistance of Financial Network Analytics, the course offered a comprehensive overview of innovations in Suptech and Regtech.


Topics covered included current trends and developments in Suptech and Regtech, with presentations on artificial intelligence monitoring and effective strategy design. The use of Regtech and Suptech to combat fraud and cyber risks were explored, with presentations from the World Bank Group, FNA and the Bank of England on AML, CFT and real-time fraud analysis. In addition, the design and regulation of Central Bank Digital Currencies (CBDCs) and cryptoassets were discussed, with an emphasis on the use of alternative data. Experts from FNA, the Bank of Canada and the Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia offered perspectives on the implications of CBDCs, the current state of digital currencies and leveraging alternative data for regulatory purposes.


CEMLA hosts the Course on National Accounts and Base Year Update

The course was held from June 24 to 28, 2024 at the CEMLA facilities with the cooperation of the Instituto Nacional de Estadística y Geografía (INEGI) of Mexico. The main objective of the course was to present the tasks involved in updating the base year in the national accounting system, including the methodological aspects and the information requirements involved in its preparation.

The event began with the outline of the phases that were carried out in the planning of the update of Mexico's national accounts system, moving from a 2013 base to a new 2018 base, including programming, the formation of the legal framework, alignment with international standards and commitments and carrying out different public consultations.


CEMLA hosts the Preparatory Meeting of the Central Bank Strategy Expert Group

On Thursday, June 20, 2024, the Preparatory Meeting of the Central Bank Strategy Expert Group, organized by the Banco de España in conjunction with CEMLA, was held in digital format. The purpose of the event was the formation of the Group, establishing its work objectives and defining its operating mechanisms. It was attended by 25 representatives from nine CEMLA Associate Member central banks, one Collaborating Member and two CEMLA representatives.


CEMLA, the Bank of Mexico, the Central Bank of Chile, the Central Bank of Spain and the Central bank of Costa Rica organized the V Meeting of Heads of Financial Risk Management at Central Banks

CEMLA’s Directorate of Financial Stability organized V Meeting of Heads of Financial Risk Management at Central Banks. The meeting was held in hybrid format on June 5-6, 2024. The agenda included sessions and working groups activities on: i) liquidity risk and international reserves, ii) central banks’ trade-off in stress vs normal times, iii) climate-related risks, iv) risk-management governance, v) banking resolution and financial risk exposures, and vi) managing counterparty risks.


CXVI Meeting of Governors of Central Banks Members of Center for Latin American Monetary Studies

The CXVI Meeting of Governors of CEMLA Member Central Banks was held in Madrid and focused on a number of issues crucial for economic stability and development, mainly in the Latin American and Caribbean region. Participants included Central Bank Governors and officials from various CEMLA Members. Read more...


CEMLA-BANORTE Seminar: Mexican Female Emigration, Income from Remittances and Financial Inclusion

The seminar was held on May 30, 2024 at the CEMLA facilities in cooperation with Grupo Financiero BANORTE. At the event were presented the results of a study on the Mexican female emigration, mainly to the United States and Canada, and their contribution to income from remittances to Mexico.

The main results of the study were shown, which covered aspects such as female emigration, both at international and Mexican level, as well as various social and labor aspects of these migrants. The contribution of migrant women to the entry of remittances to Mexico was highlighted in the presentation.

Likewise, with information from BANORTE, a series of indicators related to remittances were reported by gender, like amount of shipments, frequency, gender of the beneficiaries of the remittances, etc. It was shown how this institution has made efforts to increase financial inclusion among remittance users.


Advanced Course on Balance of Payments and International Investment Position

CEMLA, in cooperation with the Statistics Department of the International Monetary Fund, organized the Advanced Course on Balance of Payments and International Investment Position that was held at its facilities in Mexico City from May 13 to 17, 2024.

The presentations reviewed concepts, data sources and statistical compilation techniques for preparing the Balance of Payments and International Investment Position, as well as addressing complex methodological problems. Throughout the course, some presentations from the countries represented were made aimed at exchanging experiences. Likewise, workshops designed to integrate external sector statistics were held and concluded with an analysis of the results.


The LAJCB is indexed in the Web of Science!

Clarivate Web of Science

It is our great pleasure to announce that the Latin American Journal of Central Banking (LAJCB), hosted by CEMLA, has been indexed in the Web of Science platform. With this indexation, the LAJCB joins a selected group of 359 prestigious journals in Business, Economics and Finance included in this collection. All LAJCB articles will from now on be indexed in the Emerging Sources Citation Index (ESCI) enhancing the journal’s worldwide visibility. We invite you to submit your best work to the journal here.

LAJCB got the SJR score (and the CiteScore) from Scopus!

SCImago Journal & Country Rank

We are thrilled to announce that CEMLA's journal, Latin American Journal of Central Banking (LAJCB), recently got, for the first time, a SJR index (and CiteScore), which places our journal in the third quartile among 725 journals in the Economics and Econometrics category. This is a joint achievement of the editorial board, referees, and authors who have put their trust in the LAJCB since its inception in 2020. We invite you to submit your best work to the journal here.


Upcoming activities

IMF Course: Quantitative Models for the Integrated Policy Framework


Course on International Reserves


VIII Fintech Forum Meeting


CEMLA/FSI Virtual Policy Implementation Meeting: Liquidity Risk Scenario Analysis


Course on Monetary and Financial Statistics


2025 Calendar


CEMLA Bulletin & Press Releases


Summary of Recent Activities