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Course on National Accounts and Base Year Update

June 24 - 28, 2024
CEMLA Mexico City, Mexico

Organizing Institutions

Centro de Estudios Monetarios Latinoamericanos, A. C.
Instituto Nacional de Estadística y Geografía (INEGI)


The course will analyze the programming, methodologies, compilation and processing tasks that must be carried out for the periodic updating of the national accounting system, with special reference to the Mexican case, which uses a base year that is updated every five years. The list of topics to be covered in the course includes, among others, the planning of the updating of the system of national accounts, including programming, the legal framework, international commitments and, if necessary, the carrying out of a public consultation; the statistical and geographic process model in Mexico's system of national accounts; from economic censuses to production accounts; the integration of the supply and use table; the updating of the input-output matrix; capital stocks by federal entity; the change of base year in the goods and services account; accounts by institutional sectors; satellite accounts; short-term accounts and regional accounts. New topics will be covered such as regional indicators of satellite accounts; annual accounts on measurements of the distribution of disposable income, household consumption and savings; intellectual property and business activity; the digital economy, as well as ecosystems. The course will also analyze new short-term indicators, such as the measurement of the quarterly informal economy and quarterly measurements of jobs and their remuneration by federal entity. Likewise, the dissemination of the update of the change in the base year of the system of national accounts will be reviewed.


Provide with detailed knowledge of all the tasks involved in updating the base year in national accounts, including the diversity of methodological aspects and the information requirements involved in their compilation.

Aimed at

Professionals from central banks and national statistical institutes in charge of compiling satellite accounts or analyzing their results and, in general, at those who are users of such statistics. 


Jesús Cervantes
Directorate of Economic Statistics