Seminar on Remittances and Financial Inclusion and the Presentation of the Remittances Sending Cost Database

December 21, 2020

Organizing Institutions



During the event, the evolution of these important flows for the region will be presented and discussed, as well as the main explanatory factors of their evolution during this year. Additionally, the progress and current situation of the remittances sending cost database that CEMLA manages as part of the PRIF will be presented and the activities of the PRIF for the following year will be defined.


Evaluate the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic in migration, remittances and the families receiving these resources.

Aimed at

Professionals from Latin American and Caribbean central banks, bank superintendencies and financial sector supervisory agencies that participate in the remittance market by measuring and regulating these flows, as well as remittance industry representatives and specialists in population and migration statistics.


Rene A. Maldonado
Coordinator of the Remittances and Financial Inclusion Program