Disponible en Español

IV Meeting of Heads of Financial Risk Management in Central Banks

April 26 - 27, 2023
Santiago de Chile

Organizing Institutions

Banco Central de Chile
Centro de Estudios Monetarios Latinoamericanos, A. C.
Banco Central de Costa Rica
Banco de España
Banco de México

  • Opening address
  • Keynote address. Risk-management considerations in strategic asset allocation.
  • Risk management working groups - Session 1. Financial risk management and capital preservation strategies.
  • Risk management working groups - Session 1. Disigning strest test for central banks' balance sheetd.
  • Round table on risk management governance.
  • Setting the stage - Climate change uncertainty and central bank risk management.
  • Panel - Adressing climate-related balance-sheet risks.
  • Closing remarks.

The objective of the meeting is to address current and emerging challenges for central bank’s financial risk management.

Aimed at

Aimed at senior personnel responsible for financial risk management, market operations, financial stability, and other related areas from CEMLA’s Membership, as well as collaborating institutions.


Matías Ossandon Busch
Directorate of Financial Stability